Milsom Weddings

Wedding catering

The main meal served is known as the wedding breakfast. The name “wedding breakfast” comes from the past when traditionally the wedding ceremony was held after mass. The whole wedding party would fast before mass and so for the bride and groom, this was their first meal.

The wedding breakfast is often one of the largest costs of your wedding and therefore we understand the importance of getting the menu right.

Traditionally a three-course meal is served though we are seeing an increase in barbecue main courses where the starter and pudding is served to the table though guests help themselves to salads before visiting the chefs cooking at the barbecue. This is very popular with couples marrying in summer months who want a relaxed wedding.

Choosing your wedding menu

As we are known for our food, we find many couples like to tailor their wedding menus to suit their individual tastes and interests, often referencing places they have eaten or key meals they have shared.

We start by asking the couple to select dishes from our menu or ask that they suggest their favourite dishes, we then work with the kitchen to come up with a tasting menu. Seasonal produce is considered and this can often guide a menu. A tasting follows and dishes are tweaked if required.

We recommend starting with the main course, then selecting a suitable starter and finally pudding – the key indulgent course!

We suggest selecting the “meat element” of your main course first – beef and chicken are firm favourites, especially a braised beef dish as this eliminates cooking preferences. Pork and duck are equally delicious, though not always a first choice.

If going for a meat main course, then a fish or seafood starter is often a good balance and a great start to your wedding breakfast.

You can be completely indulgent with your pudding and select your favourite dessert. Strawberries are popular in the summer months with cheesecakes and pannacottas being year-round favourites – though some simply go for a delicious chocolate pudding (what’s not to like!). the Milsom Weddings team

Thu 12 Jul 2018, Sarah Oliver